Top Fitness YouTubers – Best YTers For Strength & Nutrition Advice

The fitness scene has landed on YouTube, and its impact has been massive. It seems that new channels are popping up on a weekly basis, each with their focus and style. Gone are the days when finding a program meant hours of searching online and printing out tables and diagrams.

By following one of these fantastic fitness YouTube channels, you can see the training and nutritional advice in action for yourself. We chose 5 of our favourite channels based on their reliability, consistency, the quality of their content and their level of engagement.

Buff Dudes

You cannot help but love the two-brother team of Hudson and Brandon White (with an occasional appearance by Buff Dad) from California. What makes these two so loveable is that they are the typical “guys next door” with a nerdy streak who just happen to be buff and have a passion for sharing their fitness advice.

They present their fitness videos via a down to earth, engaging and sometimes funny format. They started with simple videos sharing their training programs and nutrition. However, their massive success has seen them expand into merchandising, funny workout related videos and selling their latest programs.

If your not a Dude, don’t worry, they also cater for all the Buff Grrrls out there too. Their best feature is a 12-week strength training program with free exercise videos and advice.

Sarah Grace Fitness

Sarah Grace is a professional fitness and nutrition guru who has been doing this kind of thing for quite a while. If you want proof that she knows what she is doing, you only need to look at her stunning physique that’s been featured on major magazines such as Oxygen and Muscle and Performance. She has competed and won many distinguished physique competitions.

She also manages to balance her professional life as a YouTuber, competitor, and fitness celeb with her personal life and being a mother. Her channels focus on providing strength training advice for women, but you can also find a lot of CrossFit videos, nutrition advice, body positivity content and more. She also delves into everything from TRX to kettlebell to bodyweight workouts.

She is a true Superwoman in our books!

Christian Guzman

Christian Guzman is one of the most original, most successful and most complete fitness entrepreneurs out there. He is not only a fitness YouTuber and blogger but he also owns his own gym and participates in professional physique competitions.

Looking at some of his videos, you will quickly realise that he is a true pro. Overall, the production value is high. The videos roll in regularly and they are usually set to inspirational tracks that will get your blood pumping.

Not only does he share workouts, meal plans and general fitness advice, but you also get an in-depth look at the male physique competition industry as well as a surprisingly poignant look into his personal life as he tries to balance everything that’s going on.

Tone It Up

They’re both peppy, they’re both fit and they are called Karina and Katrina (seriously). These two girls who run the Tone It Up channel on Youtube are blending two of the most prominent trends in the fitness industry: time-saving, dynamic HIIT workouts and mindful fitness. To spread the positive-vibes even more, most of their videos are filmed on the beach.

On their channel, you can find videos where they take you through their no-equipment, bodyweight home HIIT workouts, meditation videos, positive message videos (including community submissions) and meal plans.

If you are a woman looking for a holistic fitness experience, it really doesn’t get much better than this. If their sunny attitudes aren’t enough to motivate you to work out, then hearing the waves crash in the background might do the trick.

Jump Rope Dudes (Formerly Zen Dude Fitness)

Didn’t think you could strength train with a jump rope? Guess again. Another two-man duo, Dan and Brandon, follow one simple tenet when it comes to fitness: jump rope and lots of it. They already achieved YouTube fame under the name “Zen Dude Fitness” but decided to change to a name more in line with what they were actually all about.

Jump rope is a seriously underrated form of exercise that can burn over 1000 calories per hour while being relatively low-risk in terms of injury. These two have made it their mission to shine the spotlight this form of training.

To display the location-free attributes of jump rope, they often film their videos in exotic or interesting locations. Also, you can follow along with them or use their free programmes to work out on your own time.

Have you found a fitness YouTuber for you? We have. Most of these guys and girls were ordinary people just like you who decided to take their fitness journey seriously and share their experiences, ups and downs and valuable lessons with the rest of us.

That’s the main reason why we love the Buff Dudes channel and would recommend it to anyone starting out their own journey. These two brothers are super relatable, and despite their buff physiques, will always feel like the guys from down the block. That being said, their 12-week training programs are spot-on, and we love their simple home recipes (did someone say protein brownies??).

Sarah Grace Fitness and Christian Guzman are like two sides of the same coin. Both are incredibly engaging professionals, and they have proven themselves time and time again with the trophies to back it up.

Lastly, we have Tone It Up and Jump Rope Dudes for a slightly alternative approach if lifting weights isn’t for you.

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Tom Purton is a fitness junkie. Testing the latest and greatest products on the market and writing reviews in the strength, nutrition, running and many more. For more information about the latest reviews check out Ghost Fitness.